20 Russian swings
5 Strict pull ups or 10 ring rows
10 Band pull aparts
Pistol of doom
Peanut crunches
Front rack neck opener
G-spot trigger
Split the work up in teams of 3-4
5 Rounds
Run 2000m (each athletes meters counts towards the total, all athletes can run at once)
21 Cleans 61/42.5
12 Rope climbs
Only one athlete may be working at a time except on the run
- Back squat 10×3 @85%
- 2mins Max ascents legless rope climbs
- 2mins Max distance hand stand walk
- EMOM x 20
Even – 4 Hang power cleans 102.5/65kg
Odd – 20secs of Muscle ups - 3 x max distance sandbag zercher carry 60/40kg rest as needed between efforts
- WOD but in pairs