10 Pause wall ball
Bear crawl or 10m Handstand walk
Pistol of doom
Hipster glide
Peanut crunches
Athletes choice
In threes or fours – relay AMRAP in 40mins
50 Calorie Row
40 Thrusters 42.5/28kg
30 Burpee chest to bar pull ups
20 Hand stand push ups
Each athlete will take in turns completing all the reps of each exercise in a relay fashion. All reps must be completed by each athlete on a given movement before the next can be started
e.g Athlete 1 Completes a 50 calorie row as quickly as possible (balls to the wall effort) then Athlete 2 then Athlete 3. Once Athlete 3 is finished the row Athlete one completes 40 Thrusters as quickly as possible followed by Athletes 2 and 3 etc etc
DO NOT PACE THIS AT ALL, as you will have enough recovery time between each exercise
Basically this is an interval sprint workout. If you hit it correctly it should be one of the toughest 40mins ever
Do the WOD but again take it easy… So it shouldn’t be the toughest WOD ever