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2 Turkish get ups each arm
10 Russian swings


Pistol of doom
Hipster glides
Overhead hang
Peanut crunches
Athlete’s choice


Bent over row 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Handstand push-up 5, 5, 5, 5, 5


3 rounds for time

15 Chest to bar pull-ups
15 Burpees
15 Kettlebell swings 32/24kg


  1. 10min AMRAP
    6 muscle ups
    20 Wall balls 10/6kg
  2. Rest 5mins – Jog 400m active recovery during rest break
  3. 10min AMRAP
    10 Hand stand push ups
    10 Toes to bar
    10 Pistols
  4. Rest 5mins – Jog 400m active recovery during rest break
  5. 10min AMRAP
    Row 500m
    15 Overhead squats 61/42.5kg
  6. Today’s WOD
Crossfit Mooloolaba Sunshine Coast. The first CrossFit gym in the Mooloolaba, Maroochydore, Buderim area.

Crossfit Mooloolaba Sunshine Coast. The first CrossFit gym in the Mooloolaba, Maroochydore, Buderim area.