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10 Goblet squats
10m Hand stand walk or 18m bear crawl


Pistol of doom
Hipster glides
Peanut crunches
Overhead hang
Athletes choice


25min AMRAP – For teams to complete (individuals halve the numbers)

400m Suicide run (20,30,40,50,60m) Each athlete completes one suicide run
200 Kettle bell swings 24/16kg
100 Burpees
50 Handstand push ups
25 Front squats 93.5/61kg
12 Rope climbs


  1. Max weight Farmers carry 45m
  2. 5 Rounds Every 2mins 6 Cleans > 6 Front squats > 6 Jerks @ 75/50kg
  3. 6 Strict muscle ups every 90sec for 5 Rounds
  4. Today’s WOD
Crossfit Mooloolaba Sunshine Coast. The first CrossFit gym in the Mooloolaba, Maroochydore, Buderim area.

Crossfit Mooloolaba Sunshine Coast. The first CrossFit gym in the Mooloolaba, Maroochydore, Buderim area.