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4min AMRAP
10 Russian swings
Bear crawl


Pistol of doom
Hipster glide
Barbell quickie
Thoracic roll


Deadlift 5, 5, 5, 5, 5



Thrusters 42.5/29kg
Pull ups


Please note gang this is easily over an hours work so be efficient with your time and get in early before class so you can WOD with the crew. No one wants to do FRAN by themselves

  1. 10rnd EMOM 10/10 Shuttle sprint – Give everything and time your first one. If any of the following sprints are slower by even a sec then STOP. No second chances
  2. Recover the Back squat 5x2reps – Your warm up ends and work sets start at 85%. Full 2-4mins rest between sets -20mins
  3. Snatch 5×2 – Same as the back squat -20mins
  4. Incline press 5×5 – Ramping up -15mins
  5. “Fran”


Crossfit Mooloolaba Sunshine Coast. The first CrossFit gym in the Mooloolaba, Maroochydore, Buderim area.

Crossfit Mooloolaba Sunshine Coast. The first CrossFit gym in the Mooloolaba, Maroochydore, Buderim area.