Run Workout:
2x60m, then 2x80m, then 1x100m, then 1x150m, then 1x200m.
Full recovery between efforts.
Run Workout Details:
This is a speed endurance workout. These are controlled sprints between 95-98% max efforts. Build your intensity. The 60s should be at 90-92%, the 80s should be at 92-95%, etc. Stay in control. Maintain your form. Recovery should be 2-3min between efforts.
Row Workout:
18min row, 4min rest, 15min row, 3min rest, 12min row, 3min rest, 9min row, 1min rest, 6min, row 30sec rest, 3min row.
Total: 63min
Row Workout Details:
Your tempo should get progressively faster from round to round. Jason started at 1:54/500m and got faster each round.
Swim Workout
100 warm-up
2×50 kick no fins w/ 15sec rest
2×100 pull w/ 30sec rest
2×150 kick w/ fins w/ 45 sec rest
2×200 swim (1 w/ fins & 1 no fins) w/ 60sec rest
2×150 kick w/ fins w/ 45 sec rest
2×100 pull w/ 30sec rest
2×50 kick w/ 15sec rest
8×50 easy 25 down / max effort 25 back
100 cool down
Total: 2200
As always this program comes courtesy of Coach Chris Hinshaw straight from the NC-Labs site