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Reminder 8am and 4pm classes only


10 Pause wall ball
10 scap retractions
10 Ring rows

Reminder 8am and 4pm classes only


Pistol of doom
Groin terror
Peanut crunches
Athletes choice

Reminder 8am and 4pm classes only


Deadlift 5,5,5,5,5

Reminder 8am and 4pm classes only


2013 Reebok CrossFit Games WOD

For time:
27 Thruster 42.5/29kg
4 Legless rope climbs
21 Thruster 42.5/29kg
3 Legless rope climb
15 Thruster 42.5/29kg
2 Legless rope climb
9 Thruster 42.5/29kg
1 Legless rope climb

Reminder 8am and 4pm classes only


On a running clock

  1. on the 0 min – EMOM x10 Power snatch + Snatch balance, build every set
  2. on the 10th min – 10mins to hit a very heavy power clean and jerk – start at your snatch weight and build
  3. on the 20th min – 30 Burpee muscle ups for time -7min cutoff
  4. Todays WOD
Crossfit Mooloolaba Sunshine Coast. The first CrossFit gym in the Mooloolaba, Maroochydore, Buderim area.

Crossfit Mooloolaba Sunshine Coast. The first CrossFit gym in the Mooloolaba, Maroochydore, Buderim area.