Track Workout
3x400m w/ 4min rest between efforts – Alternate 50m sprint followed by 50m easy jog.
3x(200m, 100m, 100m) with 4min rest between efforts
Track Workout Details
Sprint 50m, easy jog 50m (just above walking pace), repeat until you complete 400m, rest 4min…perform 2 more rounds.
Rest 2 additional minutes then
Run 200m at a hard tempo (90% perceived exertion), easy jog 100m (just above walking pace), and end with a 100m sprint. Then rest 4min…perform 2 more rounds
Row Workout
7 rounds
2min moderate, 3min hard, 1min easy, 1min rest
Total: 49min
Don’t kid yourself this is a tough workout
Row Workout Pacing
Easy pace: Athlete picks their easy pace
Mod pace: 2000m PR pace/500m plus 10-15 sec.
Hard pace: 2000m PR pace/500m plus 5-10 sec.
Swim Workout
400 (100 each: swim, kick, pull, swim)
6×50 (25 free/25 any drill)
3×150 w/ 45sec rest (100 kick w/ fins, 50 swim w/ fins)
300 easy pull
1×100 sprint final 25
1×100 sprint final 50
1×100 sprint final 75
1×100 sprint
150 cool down
2000 Total