2mins Plank
2mins Spiderman walk
Pistol of doom
Groin terror
Peanut crunch
Athletes choice
Back squat 5,5,5,5,5
10 Strict pull ups between each set
Five rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
30 Box jump 24/20″
30 Wall ball shots 10/6kg
If you haven’t tested it yet, meet the competitors standards
- 5 Round EMOM squat snatch at 90% bodyweight men 80% women
- 1 set 5 rep back squat at 150% bodyweight men 125% women
- 1 Bra to bar pull up for women 3 for men
- 1 Strict hand stand push up for women 3 for men
- Todays WOD
If you have start a running clock, when the warm up starts for the CrossFit class
- 10mins to find a 10 rep max Back squat
- On the 10th min begin 3 Rounds max muscle ups in 1min/2min rest
- on the 19th minute perform a 12 Round EMOM 2 Rep snatch balance starting @ the same weight as last week but finishing higher
- Todays WOD “Kelly”
Below are this weeks run, row and swim workouts to be performed on separate days from each other and separate sessions from the WOD’s. Please note they do not have to be done in this order
5 rounds: 300m ON, 200m easy jog, 300m ON
5min rest between rounds (that also includes a 200m easy jog)
Track Workout Details: This workout is programmed with LOTS and LOTS of rest between rounds. Lots of rest = high intensity. Hit those 300s hard BUT…BE CONSISTENT!! Running the first round fast and then slowly fading serves zero purpose. The trick with pacing this workout is picking a speed based on the 300m distance. Your first 300m time will become your pace target for the entire workout. The easy jog is anything above a walking pace and should take approximately 2min.
Let’s see how you do on this workout without any pacing guidance. Did you hang onto that first round tempo?
5x400m with 30sec rest between efforts
5min rest
4x400m with 30sec rest between efforts
5min rest
3x400m with 30sec rest between efforts
Total: 4800m
Row or SkiErg Workout Details:
Warm up with about 600m of rowing that also includes a few surges at your 400m workout tempo. The target pace for this workout is your 2000m PR pace plus 5-8 seconds/500m. The pace needs to be fast. As example, I have a 7:06 PR for 2000m (146.5/500m). I rowed this workout earlier today and never exceeded 1:50 pace/500m.
100 warm up
3×100 kick w/fins w/ 30 sec rest
6×25 kick w/ fins (max effort) w/ 30sec rest
3×100 pull w/ 30 sec rest
6×25 pull (max effort) w/ 30sec rest
3×100 swim (no fins) w/ 30 sec rest
6×25 swim no fins (max effort) w/ 30sec rest
100 cool down
6×50 (25 underwater with fins/ 25 easy swim)
100 warm down
Total: 1950m
Track, Row and swim workouts courtesy of Chris Henshaw of NC Labs