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Remember to bring socks


10 Banded pause goblet squats
6 Cartwheels or 3 Wall climbs


Hipster glide
Peanut crunches
Overhead hang
First rib quickie


Power snatch 5×5

SKILL –Remember to bring socks

5min EMOM

2 Rope climbs

To RX you must control decent until feet are 30cm from the ground, then without touching the ground, begin the ascent of the second rope climb… Soooo your gonna need a foot lock

WOD – “The Russian Bear”

2 Rounds of

3min AMRAP
30 Russian swings 32/24kg
30m Bear crawl

There will be rest between each 3min round – minimum 3mins



  1. Lower body strength 5×1 at 3RM
  2. Upper body strength 5×1 at 3RM
  3. Lower body accessory 3×12
  4. Upper body pulling accessory 3×12
  5. Upper body triceps 3×12


  1. 3×3 Turkish get up each arm
  2. 10min EMOM 5 Super wall balls
  3. Every 20 sec for 6mins do 5 Toes to bar – if you need to scale it, do 4 or 3 etc
  4. WOD
Crossfit Mooloolaba Sunshine Coast. The first CrossFit gym in the Mooloolaba, Maroochydore, Buderim area.

Crossfit Mooloolaba Sunshine Coast. The first CrossFit gym in the Mooloolaba, Maroochydore, Buderim area.