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10 Pause wall balls
Spiderman lunge


Pistol of doom
Groin terror
Peanut crunches
Athletes choice


As a team or an individual, if you’re nuts


Four rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
24 Back squat 83.5/55kg
24 Jerks 61/35kg

* No racks, you must be able to pick the bar up and rack it behind the neck…. Think about that one if you are planning on going heavy and having plenty of rest breaks


Start a running clock

  1. Every 2mins – Snatch – 55%x3, 60%x3, 65%x3, 70%x2, 75%x1
  2. Every 2mins – Clean & Jerk – 55%x3, 60%x3, 65%x3, 70%x2, 75%x1
  3. Starting on the 20th min
    5 Rounds starting every 3mins
    5 Bench press 110/60kg
    2 Legless Rope climb
    rest remaining time – Scale as necessary
  4. Todays WOD


U.S. Coast Guard Petty Officer Third Class Nathan B. Bruckenthal, 24, of Smithtown, New York, assigned to Tactical Law Enforcement Team South, Law Enforcement Detachment 403, based at Coast Guard Air Station Miami in Florida, was killed on April 24, 2004, at the Khawr Al Amaya Oil Terminal off the coast of Iraq when a boat that he and his team intercepted near the terminal exploded. He is survived by his wife Pattie, daughter Harper, born after his death, father Eric, mother Laurie Bullock, and sister Noabeth.

